Young Carers
At Send CofE School, we believe that all children and young people have the right to an education, regardless of their home circumstances.
We acknowledge that there are likely to be young carers amongst our pupils, and that being a young carer can have an adverse effect on a young person’s education. We have adopted our young carer policy so that we will be able to relieve some of the worries, which young carers may have about home and their schoolwork, and to show that we believe young carers’ education is important.
Our Young Carer’s champion is Mrs Harwood, our Home School Link Worker. We have established a Young Carers group here at school who meet each half-term and are there to support each other. If you feel that your child takes on extra caring responsibilities please do let us know, they do not have to be registered as a Young Carer to join the group.
You can contact Mrs Harwood on
You can also find more information on the Surrey Young Carers website.
We are an Angel Award School 
The Angel Award scheme was developed by young carers to help caring pupils be recognised and supported at school.
The Award is given to schools that demonstrate they are ‘young-carer friendly’. Schools have to meet eight standards, checked by our staff and young carers, including having a carers’ champion, a carers support group, training for staff, and assemblies about young carers to help all pupils understand the issues the young carers face, as well as support pupils to self-identify and find the help they need. We are proud to have held the Angel Award for schools since 2019.