Y2 -Birch & Cherry
Welcome to Year 2
In this year we will building on the children's developing indepenance as learners so that by the end of the year, their transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 is as smooth as possible.
We hope your children will enjoy the various activities and learning throughout the year. If you have any questions about how we work in Year 2 or have anything that you would like talk about then please feel free to drop in and see us.
If you would like advice about the work that your child is completing, you can contact their teacher. Please only email during the term time, working week. Teachers will respond to you within 3 working days of the email being sent, unless exceptional circumstances prevent this. In this case, another member of staff will respond to you.
Urgent messages (e.g change to collection arrangements) should be sent via the office by phone or by emailing info@sendcofe.co.uk
Please continue to let the office know of absence or illness in the usual way.
Birch Class: Miss Daisy Whetlor
Cherry Class: Miss Sophie Rawlins
Learning Support Assistants
Mrs Hannah Attwater (M-W)
Mrs Jemma Benkhelfallah (Th& F)
Mrs Amy Humphreys
Mrs Christina Tudor
Children should read their 'Read at Home' phonic book at home at least 5 times a week.
Children will be given links to online phonic videos which match the sounds in their 'Read at Home' book. We ask that you watch these regularly with your child.
Children have access to either Numbots or Times Tables Rock Stars and should practice these little and often.
Several times a week that adds up to 30minutes overall is best.
PE Days
Monday and Wednesday
Outdoor learning on Friday - wellies needed please