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Why do we teach Science?

At Send C of E Primary School, we strive to ensure children value themselves and their God-given talents and appreciate the world that He created. Science is the process by which children learn about the world by asking questions and investigating the answers. The intent of the Science curriculum is to foster and develop our pupils’ curiosity in the subject, whilst preparing them for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world.  

What do we teach in Science? 

Our aim is to provide a science curriculum that nurtures children’s natural curiosity and extends their scientific knowledge, vocabulary and overall intellectual development. We follow the National Curriculum for Science. The programmes of study for key stage one and two can be found below:

How do we teach Science?

We have chosen 'White Rose Science' as our framework for our curriculum coverage, as it provides a varied and challenging range of lessons to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.  It also includes scientific questions around sustainability and the planet, and helps children develop an empathy for the local and wider environment. This links to our Christian values and work as an Eco School. Teachers also base their teaching on children's prior experience and knowledge, what they need to know and what they are curious to find out about. 

Our Science Units

Year 1 

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4 

Year 5 

Year 6

You can read more about why the units are sequenced in this order here and a full explanation of the key knowledge, vocabulary and skills development in each unit can be downloaded below. 

Our Science lessons combine discussion with practical work and the exploration of scientific knowledge. We teach knowledge and skills discretely but where possible, links will be made to termly themes or learning in other subjects. Learning is enriched through dedicated themed weeks/ days held throughout the year as well as making the most of additional opportunities of specialist visitors and visits. Y1 embed their science learning as part of their continuous provision.