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Mission, Vision & Values

Our Mission

We are a school that serves the local communities of Send, Ripley and the surrounding areas.  We are part of the family of Church of England schools, and aim to live by and promote Christian values. Our school was created from two separate schools, Send CofE Infant School and St Bede's Junior School. Both these schools, in their time, and our current new school share one simple mission. 

To serve the communities of Send, Ripley and the surrounding areas by providing education of a distinctively
Christian nature which caters for the needs of all children.

Our Vision Statement

Our Vision Statement can be found at the top of this page. It is the purpose that shapes and drives the work of our school. It sets out what we want our school to be like, and how we will serve our children.  It is theologically rooted and focused on the needs of our community.  Our Vision Statement was reviewed and re-written in the summer term of 2024 by the staff and Governors of our school. 

Our Values 

How does our school promote Christian Values?

As a Church of England school, Christian values underpin our ethos. Each half term we consider a different value, using it as the basis of our worship in class and as a whole school. 

We actively promote the development of Christian values and citizenship skills, equipping pupils for life in the wider world.



Our School Logo

Look at our badge, what do you see? 

At the top of the school badge is a cross.

It is a bit like a compass. Jesus is showing us the way to go. 

In the middle of the badge we see a tree with 3 branches that look a bit like people. 

It reminds us of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

It reminds us of the links between our school, our families and our churches. 

It reminds us of the three stages of Primary Education; the EYFS, KS1 and KS2. 

It reminds us of the history of our school; Send CofE Infant School and St Bede's Junior School combining to create
Send CofE Primary School.

The tree is growing from a book.

It reminds us that we are all in the business of helping children to learn and grow in knowledge. 

The edges of our badge are decorated with acorns. 

Our youngest children are in Acorn Class.

Our hope for the children at our school is that they will be like 'the mighty oaks from tiny acorns grown'.

We are proud of our badgeWe are proud of our school.