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Extracurricular Clubs & Activities

With over 20 activities happening each week, as well as wrap around care running from 7.30am to 5.30pm there is always something extra for children to enjoy at school. Please see below for the full details of our extended schools offer.  Our school run clubs are led by staff and vary depending on the time of year. You can sign up and pay for clubs online at the start of each term. We make a small charge per child to cover the cost of each club. 


Spring Term 2025 School Run Clubs 

External Providers

We work with external partners to offer clubs for children at Send. These clubs normally start the first full week back at school after a holiday and do not run in the last week of term. They set their own fees and manage their own booking procedures. Please contact them directly for information and to book.

Day  Time  Club  Year groups  Contact information 
Monday  3.15pm-4.15pm Sporty Kidz FUN FITNESS & MULTI-SKILLS YR-6 
Monday  3.15pm-4.15pm Send Football Club  Y1-6 
Tuesday  3.15pm-4.15pm Busta Groove Dance  YR-6 
Tuesday During School  RockSteady Band Lessons  YR-6 
Thursday 3.15pm-4.15pm Clandon Dance – KS1 Dance  YR-2 
Friday  3.15pm-4.15pm  Sporty Kidz KS1 Tennis  YR-6
Various  During School  Piano & Brass Lessons  All 
Support for children entitled to Pupil Premium

The Government gives money to schools called ‘Pupil Premium’ to help children achieve their best. If a child qualifies for the Pupil Premium, they may be able to access funded places in clubs and activities. Your child may be eligible for Pupil Premium if you are entitled to certain benefits and/or you have a low income; your child is, or has been, ‘Looked After’ or if you are a Service Family. If you would like to know more about the Pupil Premium, or if your child is eligible for Pupil Premium and you would like them to attend a club or activity at school then please contact Mrs Harwood in confidence.