Adverse Weather Procedures

As the weather turns wintery, now is a good time to revisit our school procedures should we get a spell of particularly icy or snowy weather.
Procedure for Adverse Weather
Please be assured that whatever the circumstances, the decision to close the school will only be made when the site is unsafe for children and our priority will be to keep the school open to provide safety and supervision to children wherever possible.
When making any decision, SLT consider the safety of our school site, including the number of staff available and whether the Police or Met Office have advised against unnecessary travel. If our school site is not physically safe (e.g. extreme ice or snow, loss of power, burst water pipes) then we will have to consider closing the school until it is safe to reopen. If the site is safe but we are impacted by travel conditions on routes to school, then we may need to consider:
- Partially opening the school to certain year groups or pupil groups e.g. closing Nursery if it is not possible to meet the legally required staffing levels or to only open for Vulnerable/ Key worker children
- Opening the school but being understanding about children who arrive later and authorising absence for children whose parents judge that it is unsafe to travel.
Communicating our decision to parents
The decision whether to open school or not will be taken in the early morning and wherever possible by 7.30am. If the decision is taken to close the school, parents will be informed via:
- A message on the school website
- A text messages through the school comms system (but these may be unreliable due to the very high volume of traffic) AND an email through the school comms system
- A message on our school Twitter
- Surrey County Council Website: and click on ‘Bad Weather Closures’
If you have not provided your phone number or email address for the school comms system, or have unsubscribed and would like help to re subscribe, please contact the school office who will be happy to help you.